A Few Thing To Remember


(1) The First Guy to build a boat did not know how either.

(2) There are three ways of doing a thing, the Right Way, The Wrong way, and the way that works. Right and wrong can can be debated but only the result can tell you if it works.

(3) The only people who succeed are the ones who are to dumb to know they can't.

What do you mean saying I can't do it I just did.

(4) Don't wait to get started. Nothing has ever gotten done tomorrow.

The best way to get result is to do something

"We are in this boat together and I am pulling for ya."

to Quote Red Green

De Space

Tips for the Closet Boat Builder


There are many reasons a guy would need to be a Closet Boat Builder.

(1) Embarrassment

        He might be too embarrassed and does not want the neighbors to know he still likes to play around with small boats. Now my mother was big on worrying about what the neighbors think. The only reason I can think of to justify may concern  about caring what the neighbors think is, for example: 
     When he is working cutting out some part for the keel and the neighbor keeps banging on the wall, shouting something.  That consent banging on the wall is annoying and only becomes a real problem when the cops come up to bang on the door to inform him that the neighbor was shouting that his saw was making to much noise at 2:30 am.  
     Your neighbor's happiness, I guess, is an important consideration when choosing a space and time to work in.  The use of a hand saw or pin vise for drilling will be good choices to be able to cut down on the need for the more noise power tools.  Sometimes I make this choice just for the quiet while working.

(2) Space
         Some of us do not have the luxury of working in the long dreamed of shop space and all the tools ever dreamed of for some kind of large project. Some of us and I am sure there are many of us that are relegated to the space women call the store room. Women need a large store room and the bigger the space the quicker she can fill it up with all the stuff she has to have but can not just get rid of, like a pile of small wicker baskets that something came in and is too good to just give to the good will or put in the trash. In my case this trash heap is in the other bedroom in a two bed room apartment.  Granted most of the stuff is mine, that can't be in the living room or kitchen like my books, tools and computer.  The more important things she needs to keep are in the rented space I had before we got married,  that I was going to use as a shop.  Since we could not live where I was, the space is now too far away and is half full of the stuff she can not get rid of because her first husband did not give her a house to put all her stuff in.  Other than a ton of books and tools, I can put the rest I have in a suit case.

        Interestingly women have the need to have things and men have the need to make things. This works out well in most cases, except when she can think of things to have faster than I can make them or more to the point any space needed to work. Women should have the fore sight to understand if she wants all this stuff, the guy needs a space to work in where he can find his tools.  If he has to spend three hours looking for his hammer, it kind of takes the fun out of hanging up a picture. Women who want things should have it as their prime consideration the space needed for a guy to work.  I could build her a house or a better book case if I had the space to work in.

      Well in any case here we are in the only space left that a guy can manage to hold on to.  Men call it a den - Beware beyond this point there be Dragons - office or the other bed room, she thinks it is a store room. I am lucky I guess that I have been able to little by little DeClutter a space where I can sit.

      "What do you need this for?" He says.
      "Why do we always have to get rid of my stuff?" she answers.  (Believe me I could not have made this stuff up.)  

Funny Story

      I was with this lady who took me to counseling because I was not as happy as I was before I met her - her words not mine. After the counselor asked her "Why don't you get off his A** ?"  She said she was confused. I would guess that things had not gone as will she had hoped.
       One day I looked her in the eye and said, "I have decided that if it is good enough fer me, then it is good enough fer the girls I go with".
      She answered, "Oh no it aint".
      To wit I responded, "Lady, I know you heard what I said, but I don't think you were listening".  Needless to say I am here and she is not.
     Now like the king of Old
1  BUT king Solomon loved many strange women, together with the daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites;
     I also have loved too many strange women and I have found that there are only but two words a man can say to a women that are of any importance to him, "Yes Dear". Oh yes, there is the phrase "I Love You" But it starts out with "Yes dear I love you".  The way I see it, if she doesn't know by now, what is the point of talking about. If I didn't love her I wouldn't have to put up with it.  But that is another story.

Making the Best of the Space

      I would have had a wider shot expect for the stuff behind me.



Holding Up DePlank

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