A Few Thing To Remember


(1) The First Guy to build a boat did not know how either.

(2) There are three ways of doing a thing, the Right Way, The Wrong way, and the way that works. Right and wrong can can be debated but only the result can tell you if it works.

(3) The only people who succeed are the ones who are to dumb to know they can't.

What do you mean saying I can't do it I just did.

(4) Don't wait to get started. Nothing has ever gotten done tomorrow.

The best way to get result is to do something

"We are in this boat together and I am pulling for ya."

to Quote Red Green

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

DeBoat One

DeBoat One

 I have always had an attachment to the sea
Aye a life a sea,
A life a sea that is for him, he would dream.

Alone on a boat with wind and sails is one thing.
On a ship at sea is another thing.
For a guy that does not fit in,
There is less room on a ship at sea.
Stomping about in the din of traffic life looks grim.
Land looks best when seen from the deck of a ship.

I have always wanted a boat
       To build a model was the next best thing
Boat One started out as a Boy Scout neckerchief slide
- But alias it is not in the box with the rest of them -

      In the navy I made DeBoat One from a block of wood found on the beach.

       I lived on the boat of my dreams for twelve years. 1982 - 1994
       A Twenty foot gaff rigged sloop made out of Fero- Cement by other hands. I was working for N.O.A.A in 82 and now seems it would have been better to spend the money. the money  In 94 my health and with it my income level had changed. Had DeBoat on land propped up on blocks, when fell over poking a large hull in the side.  By that time I had nether the time or the money to do any thing about.

     The model carved out of a block of wood has been kicked around as much I as I have. Its history mirrored my own. When I walked away in 1980 I dis-masted it and it is still in storage. I will get it when I am next up there and here I will post it's restoration.

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